Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions


The present Pu ting up and maintenance of contextual advertising, technical support of websites, revision of websites, hereinafter blic Agreement for Paid Services on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) defines the procedure of rendering services on SEO-promotion of websites, development of websites, set referred to as the Services, as well as mutual rights, obligations and the procedure of relations between the Limited Liability Company “i1website” in the person acting on the basis of the Charter (the Contractor) and an unlimited number of persons (citizens (individuals) or legal entities), hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider.

The contract in accordance is a public offer and an official document, and is considered a transaction concluded in writing. Unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the Customer shall be deemed payment of the amount for services published on the website https://i1website.com/ to the Executor’s settlement account.


1.1 For the purposes of this offer, the following terms and definitions shall be used with the following meaning:

Agreement – an agreement between the Customer and the Contractor for rendering services on SEO-promotion of websites, development of websites, setting the website, setting and maintenance of content, finalization of websites, which is concluded by means of payment of the Offer. The services offered for each of the products/plans/deals/services are published at https://i1website.com/.

Offer – this document, public contract. Publication (placement) of the text of the public contract on the website https://i1website.com is a public offer (offer) addressed to a wide range of persons for the purpose of rendering certain types of services;

The fact confirming the conclusion of a public contract on the part of the Customer of services is its payment – services;

Acceptance of the Offer – full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by performing the actions specified in clause 3.3. of this Agreement. Acceptance of the Offer creates the contract.

Customer – a person who has paid for the Offer and is a consumer of services under the concluded contract.


2.1 The Contractor undertakes to render the Services, and the Customer undertakes to accept the Services rendered by the Contractor and to pay for them in the order and on the terms defined by this Agreement.

2.2 The list of the Services that can be rendered under this Agreement, terms of rendering the Services and other conditions determining the procedure of rendering the Services, as well as other information that is essential for rendering the Services, shall be placed by the Contractor on the website https://i1website.com/.

2.3 The Contractor reserves the right to make changes to this Agreement of public offer, in this regard, the Customer undertakes to familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement and other information before receiving the Services.

2.4 A brief description of the services published on the website:

Website Creation – domain registration, website hosting. Installation of design via template chosen by the client or by the Contractor.

Mobile version – availability of a mobile version of the website, which allows visiting the website from a mobile phone.

  • Web design of your choice – selection and/or confirmation of the web design by the client, in case of no choice, the choice is made by the Contractor.
  • Free domain/hosting – offering a free domain/hosting service for the client’s website for a fixed period of time, which can be adjusted at any time by the Contractor for any reason. In case it is necessary to pay extra for the domain/hosting service, the Contractor shall inform the client.
  • Manual for website customizing – instructions (created by the Contractor) for the client to customize the website in any way possible.
  • Web content customization – adjusting, customizing or changing the design by the Contractor in any available way.
  • SEO optimization – the amount and scope of optimization is determined by the Contractor.
  • Branding (logo, business card) – creation of a logo and business card by the Contractor.
  • Custom email design – creation of Email Signature by the Contractor.

Domain registration – the client can pick free domain for the website, free domain means available on domain platforms and costs less than 15$ per year. The Contractor is not responsible in cases: the domain is not available, the Client has chosen unavailable domain / the domain registration requires additional documentation that Contractor is not able or is not willing to provide / becomes unavailable after the Client proceeds with payment and before the Contractor tries to purchase it.
In such or any other domain unavailability circumstances, the Contractor should ask the client to choose another domain and/or choose another one. The domain unavailability is not the reason for the refund or cancelling the purchase made by client.


3.1 This Agreement is a public contract, according to which the Contractor undertakes to provide Services to an indefinite number of persons (Customers) who have applied for the specified Services.

3.2 The publication (placement) of the text of this contract on the website https://i1website.com/ is a public offer (offer) of the Contractor addressed to an indefinite circle of persons to conclude this contract.

3.3 The conclusion of this Agreement shall be made by the Customer’s adherence to this Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions or reservations.

Based on the above, carefully read the text of the offer of the contract, and if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you are offered to refuse to use the Service provided by the Contractor, until the moment of its payment. Refusal from the service is considered to be the absence of payment for the service provided by the Contractor.

3.4 The fact confirming the Customer’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be the Customer’s payment for the Services in accordance with the procedure and on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.

3.5 This Agreement, provided that the procedure of its payment is observed, shall be deemed to be concluded in a simple written form and, accordingly, shall not require paper registration and shall have full legal force.

3.6 This Offer is valid in the version and on the terms and conditions existing at the time of payment.

3.7 Payment for the Services shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement specified in clause 5.


4.1 The Contractor undertakes to:

4.1.1. to render Services to the Customer in the scope and within the terms agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement;

4.1.2. to provide the Customer with information on the nature, scope of the Services provided, cost of the Services, payment terms (if they differ from those specified in clause 5) and other information necessary for fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement by means of posting on the website https://i1website.com/;

4.1.3. to immediately notify the Customer about force-majeure circumstances, which may affect the scope and quality of the Services rendered by the Contractor, by posting the actual information on the website https://i1website.com or by writing to the Customer by e-mail, or any other type of contact provided by the Customer and chosen by the Contractor;

4.1.4. to notify the Customer immediately:

– the unsuitability or poor quality of the information or technical documentation provided;

– of possible adverse consequences for the Customer of the fulfillment of his instructions on the method of task execution;

– other circumstances beyond the Contractor’s control or beyond the Contractor’s control, which may affect the provision of services by the Contractor or the impossibility of their completion on time. Late completion of the work within the agreed period of time does not remove the Customer’s responsibility to pay for the service, if the agreed service is eventually completed. The Customer has the right to request information about the deadline for the work performance.

Until further instructions are received from the Customer, the Contractor is obliged to suspend the provision of services

4.2 The Contractor shall have the right to:

4.2.1. unilaterally make changes, additions to this contract, about which the Customer is considered to be duly notified, from the moment of publishing the amended version of the contract on the website https://i1website.com/ or by writing to the Customer by e-mail, or any other type of contact provided by the Customer and chosen by the Contractor;

4.2.2. to engage third parties to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, as well as to use services/works of third parties that ensure the possibility to provide the services provided for by this Agreement;

4.2.3. request from the Customer documents, explanations, necessary information and additional information, including access to the Customer’s website, required for rendering services under the Agreement;

4.2.4. to change the terms of rendering services in case of delay in providing materials specified in sub-clause 4.3.5 of clause 4.3 of this Agreement, as well as in case of delay in providing other information. 4.3.5 of sub-clause 4.3 of clause 4.3 of this Agreement, as well as in case of delay in providing other information;

4.2.5. to refuse to fulfill this agreement in cases when the Customer, despite a timely and reasonable warning from the Contractor about the circumstances specified in subpar. 4.1.3. п. 4.1 of the present contract, within a reasonable period of time does not replace unusable or poor quality information and/or technical documentation, does not change the instructions on the method of rendering services or does not apply other measures to eliminate the circumstances contributing to the impossibility or hindrance of work performance.

4.2.6. in case of committing actions degrading honor, belittling the dignity of a person, defaming the business reputation of an individual or legal entity, dissemination of information inappropriate to reality in the media, including the use of profanity by the Customer in the process of communication with the Contractor (employees and / or third parties of the Contractor) through any means of communication, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally withdraw from this contract, as well as unilaterally

4.3 The Customer undertakes to:

4.3.1. to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement;

4.3.2. to pay for the Service in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;

4.3.3. on a personal basis, or appoint an employee for operative interaction with the Contractor and transfer his/her data to the Contractor;

4.3.4. to observe the rules of business ethics in communication with the Contractor;

4.3.5. to provide not later than 3 (three) calendar days from the date of acceptance of this Agreement, or at the request of the Contractor to the Contractor passwords for access to hosting, where the Customer’s site is located, to the system of administration of the site, the system of statistics Google Analytics and other systems, access to which the Contractor will need to fulfill the terms of this Agreement;

4.4 The Customer shall have the right to:

4.4.1. to demand from the Contractor proper rendering of the Services in accordance with this Agreement.

4.4.2. check the progress of the services without interfering with the Contractor’s activities;

4.4.3. to perform with the site on the basis of the rights to use the information resource any actions not prohibited by this contract and not violating the legislation. If these actions may affect the results of the Contractor’s services during the period of validity of this contract, their performance must be agreed with the Contractor.


5.1 The cost of services provided under this public offer is determined based on the type of services chosen by the Customer and its price, information about which is available on the website https://i1website.com/. In case of payment for the Services that are not included in the list posted on the website https://i1website.com/ the cost of the Services shall be agreed in electronic correspondence of the Customer with the Contractor, or by other selected method. By buying the services on https://i1website.com/ the customer agrees to donate 5% of the amount (that is included in the price posted on the website) to the charity companies chosen by Contractor.

5.2 The cost of the Services under this Agreement shall be paid by the Customer on the terms of 100% prepayment by web payment online on the website https://i1website.com/, bank transfer or via other available payment option available on the website https://i1website.com/ to the settlement account of the Contractor (according to the details specified in Section 9 of this Agreement) not later than 1 (one) banking day prior to the moment of rendering the Services.

The Contractor assumes the obligation to provide the Services only after receiving confirmation of payment from the Customer.

5.3 All expenses of the Customer related to the transfer of funds to the Contractor shall be incurred by the Customer.

5.4 In case of return of funds to the Customer, the payment shall be made taking into account (excluding) the Executor’s expenses for return of funds (such as bank commission), the 5% donation amount (in case has already been made), the website set up expenses (hosting, domain, plugins, template, logo, third party products or services purchased to fulfill the Customer’s initial requests, or any other additional expenses.

The Contractor is not obligated to accept the return of purchased service unless it is defective.

If the Customer would like to cancel the service paid to https://i1website.com/ and the Contractor would agree to offer the refund, at least 50% non-refundable cancellation fee will apply, in case the Customer informs about the cancelation request when in progress, or once the services has been delivered within 3 days of the date of the transaction. The customer must inform the Contractor via any available on the website https://i1website.com/ contact way and receive a confirmation from the Contractor within mentioned above timeframe. The client has 3 calendar days from the completion of the work to inform about his concerns or wishes. After this period, any request will be considered as an additional service for a fee, which is determined by the Contractor. The moment of completion of the work is the moment of creation of the website / the moment of fulfillment of the services described on the website, which were paid for by the client / or the moment of thanking and/or notifying the client about the completion of the work – the contact can be made by any means of communication through which there was a contact during the performance of the work either before the payment for the services or specified by the client at the time of payment for the service. The rendering of the Services to the Customer is not accompanied by drawing up of an act of completed work.

The client is obliged to inform about his/her concerns or wishes after the completion of the work within the above-mentioned term and only and exclusively by filling in the contact form or via e-mail, which can be found on the website at the link https://i1website.com/contact-us/ and clicking on the “Email” button.


6.1 The rendering of the Services to the Customer is not accompanied by drawing up of an act of completed work.

6.2 Provision of the Services under this Agreement shall be confirmed by the fact of consumption by the Customer of the Services rendered to him.


7.1 For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with applicable law.

7.2 The Parties shall not accept any third party claims related to the fulfillment of this Agreement.

7.3 The liability measures of the Parties not provided for in this Agreement shall be applied in accordance with the norms of civil legislation.

7.4 The Contractor shall not be liable to the Customer for delays and interruptions in service occurring directly or indirectly due to a cause beyond the Contractor’s reasonable control.

7.5 In case of breach by any of the Parties of the terms of fulfillment of the obligations assumed under this Agreement, the guilty Party shall pay to the other Party a penalty (fine) in the amount of 0.1% for each day of delay in payment/provision of services.

7.6 Payment of the penalty specified in clause 7.5 of this Agreement shall not release the Party from fulfillment of its obligations under the Agreement.


8.1. In case of force majeure circumstances, which include natural disasters, accidents, fires, riots, strikes, military actions, illegal actions of third parties, entry into force of legislative acts, governmental decrees and orders of state bodies, directly or indirectly prohibiting the activities specified in this Agreement, preventing the Parties from performing their functions under this Agreement, and other circumstances beyond the will of the Parties, they shall release

8.2 The Party that is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations shall inform the other Party about the beginning and termination of the above circumstances immediately, but in any case not later than 3 (three) calendar days from the moment of occurrence of these circumstances with subsequent submission of certificates from competent authorities confirming their occurrence. Failure to timely notify of force majeure circumstances shall deprive the respective Party of the right to be released from contractual obligations due to the said circumstances.

If the above circumstances continue for more than 2 (two) months, each Party shall have the right to early termination of the contract.


9.1 This Agreement shall be deemed concluded from the moment of payment for the Services by the Customer and shall be valid until the performance of the Services by the Contractor.

9.2 The Customer unconditionally agrees that in case of termination of this Agreement in accordance with the Customer’s violation of 4.3 of this Agreement, he loses the right to demand from the Contractor the return of the amounts paid in payment for the Services. The termination fees and other terms are explained in the section 5.4 of this Agreement.


10.1 The Parties irrevocably agree that this contract is concluded at the place of service provision.

10.2 The Parties unconditionally recognize the legal force of the text of this Agreement.

10.3 All disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties under this Agreement or in connection therewith shall be settled by negotiations between them;

10.4 In case of impossibility to resolve differences through negotiations, disputes between the parties shall be considered in the Economic Court.

10.5 The Party that believes that its rights under the Contract have been violated shall be obliged to submit a claim to the other Party. The claim is duly submitted if it is sent to the Party’s e-mail address specified in this Agreement, by any means allowing to establish the identity of the sender, as well as the fact of delivery of correspondence to the recipient in case of exchange of original documents.

10.6 Electronic mail shall be exchanged at the electronic addresses (e-mail) specified in Section 10. Other e-mail addresses are allowed, which shall be specified in the correspondence between the e-mail addresses specified in Section 10. All notices, messages, scanned versions of signed documents sent by the Parties to each other at the above e-mail addresses shall be recognized by the Parties as official correspondence and legally binding under this Agreement.

10.7 Correspondence by e-mail, messaging services and making calls, such as Skype, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp between the Parties shall be valid upon agreement and approval at all stages of service provision and may be used as evidence in court in case of disputes.

10.8 Responsibility for receipt of messages and notifications by the above method lies with the receiving Party. The Party that sent the message shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of the message if such delay was caused by malfunction of communication systems, action/inaction of providers or other force majeure circumstances.

10.9 The Contractor shall be entitled to record telephone conversations with the Customer. In this case, the Contractor undertakes: to prevent attempts of unauthorized access to the information obtained during telephone conversations and/or its transfer to third parties not directly related to the execution of Orders. The Parties have agreed that these records may be used as evidence in court in case of a dispute.

In effect from 11/23/2023 until renewed.

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